I’ve been playing Flames of War for about 10 months and the game has gotten into me so I figured I would make a blog/website with news from Denmark, After Action Rapports, Events and Hobby items, all concerning Flames of War.
It is at the beginning but I hope to get more and information on the blog/website.
Any comments are appreciated.
Stumbled onto your site and thought I’d get in contact.
I’ve been playing FOW for about 5 years and have a collection of German (EW, MW and LW) and Brits (LW). I also have a Russian army awaiting a paint job.
I’m based in Odense and I’d be interested in meeting up for a game sometime.
Hi Jonathan.
Sorry for the late answer.
It could be great. I play in a club – called The Initiative in Randers. You’re welcome to play