Operation Market Garden – 3rd game and Epilogue

Operation Market Garden – 3rd game and Epilogue

After a big loss and a big win it was time to watch a clip from the movie “A bridge too Far” and the last words before deploying on the tables were “Flatten Arnhem” This time I faced a very...
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Operation Market Garden 2016 – 2nd game

Operation Market Garden 2016 – 2nd game

After a devastating defeat to Per, it was time to face the German counter offensive. I again paired against a newbie like myself Christoffer McLaughlin Schou This time it was easy to behold my enemy because it was a pure...
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Operation Market Garden 2016 – 1st game

Operation Market Garden 2016 – 1st game

Under pressure from Kristian Kenneth Lyngvald 🙂 from ETC Team Denmark I decided to play the Canadian Reece Squadron and got the privilege of playing against Per, who was a newbie like me. I almost always play Germans but I’m...
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AAR – Operation Market Garden 2016 – Prelude

AAR – Operation Market Garden 2016 – Prelude

“This is a story you will tell your grandchildren; and mightily bored they’ll be.” The 72th anniversary of Operation Market Garden was launched the club Project Nexus with check-in at 9 AM and with players packed with german and allied...
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