Operation Market Garden 2016 – 2nd game

After a devastating defeat to Per, it was time to face the German counter offensive.

I again paired against a newbie like myself Christoffer McLaughlin Schou

This time it was easy to behold my enemy because it was a pure list from Kampfgruppe Hummel.

6 tigers and 2 King tigers.

2nd game – Mission Counter Attack

I deployed my artillery in concealment trying to cover my front against those pesky tigers, who I love very much.

My infantry, Stuarts and a combat platoons were in reserve, but when those 8 Germans rolled across the table anyone would perhaps consider redeploying since the German strategy was very offensive with one clear goal – to take out the Allied artillery.

After turn 2 the German was in range of assaulting the artillery and it was pure luck that the German front Tiger took a hit from a command team and had to roll for morale whether to retreat or attack.

The Germans failed which was the turning point in the game because the Canadian instead of bombarding the Germans fired direct at the Tiger 1s causing havoc.

After destroying some of the Tigers the German player went forward against my flank but withstood the attack and managed to destroy additional Tigers in the side armour but also the Fireflies came to the rescue destroying more Tigers.

After turn 6 only the King Tigers were left after the smoke cleared and it was a 6-1 win to the Canadians with only 1 Sherman and 1 Firefly.

It was very educational to play against Christoffer who also was new to the game, but we had fun and joked a lot.

Some pictures below from the match.

Enjoy the beautiful King Tigers. Christoffer won the award – Best painted Army and you’ll notice the beautiful King Tigers which according to Christoffer took about 15-20 hours to paint one tank.

Posted in AAR

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